Prior to your visit we can, on your behalf, reconnoitre and arrange the following;

·        Suitable accommodation (private residential or hotels)

·        Transport, logistics, itinerary schedules, A-B route planning etc….

·        Meeting places and suitable conference venues (availability and suitability)

·        Standby medical facilities (physicians and paramedics)

·        Standby legal advisors

·        Low profile background activities (visits to places of interest etc….)

·        Third party liaison (travel organisers, limousine suppliers etc….)

·       Local risk assessments and threat evaluation

By using our confidential services to arrange all or some of the above you maintain a tight circle of confidentiality and privacy eliminating information leaks, possible press or competitor knowledge etc…. 

   By acting as your UK security co-ordinators we can make and co-ordinate arrangements on your behalf                        on a "need to know" basis with travel organisers, transport companies and most third party suppliers needed to make your visit a successful, secure and private affair.

The more people with knowledge of your movements, business and private affairs the more you are at risk of compromise

If you are looking for or considering using a security company to look after your requirements in a professional, responsible and discreet manner, please do not hesitate to contact our head office in Northampton, England. In using our services you will not be disappointed with the results

For a totally confidential consultation contact Apex Executive on:-


Please note we have no vacancies for CQP Operatives at present or in the foreseeable future. Thank you
