Corporate Security Guarding: An Overview

In a modern-day society where crime is ever on the increase and Police resources are stretched to the limits the Police Service in general cannot afford the time (in their limited budgets) to properly investigate crimes committed in and around the workplace or to regularly patrol the property of individuals or Companies. With the exception of very serious cases, internal crime within a Company is very often not regarded as a Police matter and is left with the Company’s management to sort out and rectify.

As Management is expected to be responsible for securing and protecting its own premises this responsibility could be delegated to the Security Company/Officer in many areas which could save the Company thousands £ in both the short and long term.

Below is a non-exhaustive list of scenarios where the deployment of Security Officers could alleviate and prevent crime occurring within the workplace.

Serious internal pilferage cannot only eat away a Company’s profits by making it less competitive in the market place; it could also cause late deliveries and loss of orders.

A serious fire, whether started deliberately or by accident could completely finish a Company.

Acts of vandalism can also have a devastating effect on business.

In an ever-competitive world industrial espionage is a means open to for  unscrupulous competitors to gain insight into a Company’s affairs.

Security Officers can therefore assist Client Management in both the prevention of crime and the detection of offenders committing those crimes. 

 Static Security Officers

The Roles and The Responsibilities of Today’s Security Officer

The roles and responsibilities of today’s Security Officer has increased in recent years, Companies have become much more cost conscious and therefore more aware of their requirements to prevent losses/wastage.

Many companies realise this and employ Security Officers in order to prevent and detect losses by theft, prevent water damage, fire damage, and vandalism, they can prevent wastage, and control access i.e. visitors, contractors, workforce etc into the Clients premises.

The Security Officer therefore has become and integral part of the management of a site. They are in a position of both authority and responsibility.

The days of the night watchman are now gone, modern day Security Officers are people who know and understand their responsibilities and diligently apply their sense of sight, hearing and suspicion in order to ensure that property and people are adequately protected.

The Security Officer of today can play an important determining role in the successful operations of any business, corporate or manufacturing, retail or financial. No matter what the industry or assignment the Security Officer, through their positive training and their expertise are capable of adapting themselves to many varying security related duties, from coordinating a busy reception area to manning and monitoring a distribution company’s gatehouse or CCTV system.

Our Security Officers are trained to do just that, no matter what the task, no matter what the Client’s business you can rely on Apex Executive to carry out your requirements in a professional manner.

A Profile Of Our Security Officers

Our Security Officers on most assignments are the first point of contact for the majority of persons entering the Clients place of business. It could be a visiting Chairman (the Client) or a potential Customer of the Client; in all circumstances our Security Officers are more than aware that they represent the image and business interests of our Clients.

By considering and employing our Security Officers you will always find that: –

·        They are always smart in appearance

·        They are switched on and alert

·  They exercise tact and diplomacy when needed

·        They show and exercise a high degree of customer care

·        They are polite & well mannered in the approach

·        They show tolerance & understanding

·        They represent your image & your business interests

·        They are part of your team

If you require a professional, fully confidential and reliable security service carried out by experienced, indigenous and expedient security operatives, giving you, the Client a peace of mind in a secure environment, then contact our company for your UK security requirements.

For a totally confidential consultation contact Apex Executive on:-



Please note we have no vacancies for CQP Operatives at present or in the foreseeable future. Thank you
